Everyone at Wenlo RDA is an unpaid volunteer, including the coaches. Our volunteers assist in a range of activities, which help our riders make the most of their time at Wenlo. Some of our riders are Wenlo volunteers too!
We are proud to have an incredible team of volunteers, each with something different to offer.
Our volunteers range in age from 12 years old upwards (we couldn’t possibly disclose the age of our oldest volunteer!) and every single one plays a vital part in enabling us to offer the best possible experience for each rider.
Some of the things our volunteers do...
- Getting ponies ready for rides
- Helping with games and props during lessons in the indoor school
- Looking after equipment used by the group
- Fundraising
- Leading or sidewalking
- Stable work
- Tack cleaning
- Training sessions
- Helping at special events and competitions, including RDA competitions & Special Olympics

New volunteers are always welcome!
If you have a few hours to spare - whether each week or even at odd times through the month - do consider coming along to see what we do. You don't have to be ‘horsey’, you just need to have plenty of enthusiasm and a willingness to help. Training will be given and you will become part of a friendly and supportive team. Each session is overseen by a qualified RDA Coach and some helpers go on to become coaches themselves.
All volunteers are asked to read our list of policies, and all volunteers aged 16+ are asked to complete a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check in line with RDA UK policy.
Interested in volunteering?
If you are aged 12+ years and would like to find out more about volunteering with Wenlo RDA Group, please contact us to arrange an initial visit to meet us, the ponies and see what we do.
"Whenever I see a smiling face after a lesson it certainly makes all of the running worth it. Particularly, though, when it is a disabled rider as you know that their lesson will benefit them both mentally and physically even more than other riders."